About Seton Harvest
Seton Harvest is a community-supported agriculture initiative sponsored by the Daughters of Charity Province of St. Louise. The certified Naturally Grown farm uses the land in a just and environmentally conscious way by sharing locally grown food with shareholders and persons who are financially poor and hungry in our community.
In 2023, Seton Harvest harvested 39,961 pounds of produce with 8,590 pounds of produce donated to many shelters, food banks, and church pantries. A portion of each week’s harvest goes directly to nearly a dozen different charities serving the poor and hungry including:
UCC Food Pantry
St. Vincent DePaul Food Pantry
House of Bread and Peace
All Saints Parish Produce Giveaway
SW IN Regional Council on Aging (SWIRCA)
Since our first growing season in 2006, Seton Harvest has harvested 667,318 pounds and donated 149,615 pounds of fresh, naturally grown produce.