Education & Outreach

Farm Tours
Guided tours are available for K-12, Homeschools, Scout Groups, University Classes, and Business Outings. Experience the beauty of the farm while learning about how Seton Harvest began, how we operate, and who we serve. Visit the hydroponic and aquaponic greenhouse, learn about the importance of composting, and nibble on fresh herbs in the herb garden. Tours can be modified to meet your group's specific interests. Topics may include local food systems and community supported agriculture, healthy eating, soil and water conservation, and more.
Contact Julie Dietz, julie.dietz@doc.org, for more information.

Community Outreach
Seton Harvest participates in many community events to promote broader, healthier eating habits and assist underserved populations. The Veggie Van can be seen cruising around Evansville and surrounding towns. We travel to schools and community centers to offer lessons to youth and participate in events such as Taste of Evansville, Earth Day celebrations, the Gumbo Cook-Off, and parades. We also take our healthy, farm-fresh produce to the All Saints Produce Giveaway once a month, July - October.
Interested in having a bit of the farm brought to your school or an upcoming event? Contact Julie Dietz, julie.dietz@doc.org.

Sustainable Living
Caring for Our Common Home
The Sustainable Living Program (SLP) is the newest addition to farm education opportunities offered at Seton Harvest. The program is in the early stages of development with the goal of providing more in-depth tours and workshops based on integral ecology and living simply. Participants will be introduced to permaculture design concepts and encouraged to adopt a more sustainable lifestyle. The SLP is inspired by the Laudato Si’: On Care for Our Common Home, the United Nation’s Sustainability Goals, and Earth Charter.
For more information, contact Amy Rhodes, at amy.rhodes@doc.org or (812) 963-7531.