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Seton Harvest Twilight  
Annual Benefit tickets
are now available

Seton Harvest is hosting an Annual Farm-to-Table Twilight Dinner Benefit on​

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Saturday, October 19, 2024

The Twilight Dinners take place on the farm at Seton Harvest located on the west side of Evansville. The event will feature a sit-down Farm-to-Table dinner provided by Smalbert's Comfort Food Catering, dessert prepared by the students from the EVSC Culinary Arts Department, and beverages from Working Distributors.

The atmosphere on the farm at twilight is absolutely magical under the Education Shelter, with the addition of white lights and natural centerpieces and trimmings provided by Timberview Flower Farm. Entertainment will be from the fun, upbeat local band, Retro Shock. Opportunities to win the evening's Half-Pot and Raffles also add to the fun!

Proceeds from the Twilight Dinner support the farm's continued commitment of donating 20% of the annual harvest to food banks, homeless shelters, and church pantries. In 2023, Seton Harvest donated over 8500 pounds of fresh produce bringing the total donations to 149,000 pounds in 18 years.

To purchase your tickets for this magical evening and to help support Seton Harvest visit Eventbrite


The PLAYSCAPE is compete!!
We are so excited to announce that our
Nature Playscape is finished!!

We would like to thank everyone who volunteered to help us

complete our vision!!
We are looking for sponsors to help cover some of the cost. Even though this is a natural playground, there are still cost! 
If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please contact 
Julie Dietz 812.963.7692/

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Seton Harvest would like to extend a huge "Thank You" to our friends, our farm family, and our community after being nominated for the first time ever, by shareholder Amy Shelley, we are happy to announce that Seton Harvest won the Leadership Everyone Award in the category of Community and Neighborhood.

We congratulate the 12 other nominees in this category, and we were humbled to accept the award on Tuesday, March 19th at the Leadership Everyone event at Old National Events Plaza.

Thank you Leadership Everyone for a wonderful evening of celebrating so many members of our community doing so much good!

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Share Pick-up Times
Saturday 8:00a.m. - 11:00a.m. (Farm Only)
Tuesday 3:30p.m - 6: 30p.m Farm

Tuesday 3:30-5:30 Epworth Crossing 

Potential Produce List Week 18 Sept 14 &17

Summer squash




Green beans





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